
Q&A: Matt Hicks, Recorder

Matt Hicks, chief commercial officer and co-founder of Recorder, a new London-based insurtech from the creators of Codat, explains how he has built a platform and artificial intelligence co-pilot for brokers.

Big Interview: Ola Jacob, Descartes Underwriting and Biba

Six months into his tenure at Descartes Underwriting, and not long after being announced as the new chair for Biba’s South East and London committee, Ola Jacob sits down with Scott McGee to talk about the potential of parametric insurance, and what his…

How brokering in Ukraine is triumphing over adversity

Interview: Ukrainian insurance broker Alina Golubieva talks to David Worsfold about the current challenges of insuring businesses and homes in the country, plus how the market is preparing to align itself with European Union regulation.

Diary of an Insurer: Consilium’s Roxy Zeb

Roxy Zeb, partner in Consilium’s professional and executive risks team, talks about getting back into the Lloyd’s and the London market after 10 years in Australia, her desire to inspire and drive greater diversity, as well as her love of property…

Q&A: Aviva’s Ryan Birbeck and Michael Yabantu

Aviva’s Michael Yabantu, managing director of mid-market, and Ryan Birbeck, broker and client development director, sit down with Insurance Post to talk about the internal changes Aviva has made to make access easier for brokers, what product lines it…

Price of tower block insurance finally slashed

Insurance premiums for leaseholders waiting for combustible material to be removed from their blocks of flats could plummet by up to two thirds following the launch of the Association of British Insurers’ Fire Safety Reinsurance Scheme today (13 March),…

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