Why we empathise with consumers on premium prices

Mark Shepherd, head of general insurance policy at the Association of British Insurers, explains why empathising with motor insurance customers is crucial and how the trade body is helping providers to improve the communication of product value at renewal.

Last week, Insurance Post suggested our recently announced action to tackle motor insurance costs was more of a political stunt to woo MPs than an attempt to communicate action to consumers.

The piece

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Why insurance companies love furry faces

Building desirable brands in the insurance market is a challenge, but it all boils down to the right level of distinctiveness, and of course, it helps to have a lovable mascot that evokes an emotional connection, writes Rob Allen, strategy partner at branding and design agency Coley Porter Bell.

Brokers want less AI conversation and better service please

Fiona Nicolson reveals brokers want a little less conversation about artificial intelligence and to have a lot more grown-up conversation about balancing online experiences with being able to talk to an insurer's staff at this year’s British Insurance Brokers' Association Conference.

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